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Born of Illusion

Born of Illusion - Teri Brown I actually started out having no idea what the book was about. The beginning was so much of an introduction to Anna and her mom, both of whom are entertainers in the field of illusions, magic, communicating to spirits and the like. Only, Anna turned out to be the real deal - having visions which really come to pass, reading people's emotions through connecting with them, and even being a medium for the dead. She attributed her skills as being Houdini's daughter or so her mother claimed. She had been seeing a terrible danger to befall her and her mother, and that leaves her with more questions than ever before.

Set in the 1920's, I actually like the steam-punk feel of the story. The plot was unique in it's own with Harry Houdini being a part of it. My mind continues to wander how life was during that era; parties, dances, and shows which are very different back then. The characters exude language and behavior that was consistent with the feel of the setting. I especially enjoyed how the shows were described and how exciting it must have been to be a part of it. There was a lot of irony with the characters which led me to be confused in hating them one minute, then turn back to liking them again. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be how the writer saw it.

Probably one of the downside I find in the story is how slow it began, building the story up by adding more questions to the unanswered ones, but then the climax was abrupt. The visions Anna saw were terrifying and I can't help but wonder what was bound to happen. However, when the story actually reached that part, it was over in an instant. I guess that was what left me somewhat disappointed with the book. Dr. Boyle escaping the arrest kind of hinted there could be more to the story and would probably touch on it in the next books.

Actual rating is 3.5